Wednesday 25 June 2008

Paul McCartney offers to produce the next Wombats album

Paul McCartney has offered to produce the next record for upcoming Liverpool band the Wombats. "It's ridiculously flattering to have a Beatle like Sir Paul even mentioning us in a sentence," said drummer Dan Haggis.

McCartney's comments came in a discussion of his favourite contemporary bands. "I think there are a lot of good bands about," he told BBC 6Music. He heaped praise on the Zutons, the Killers and Radiohead, proving his tastes are current - for 1999. "They're really cool," he explained, helpfully (and in the case of the Zutons, some might say inaccurately).

But at the top of McCartney's list of faves are fellow Liverpudlians the Wombats. In fact, he is so keen on them that he'd consider re-entering the production game. "I don't do much production now, but it might be very tempting," he said. "I'm not sure they would want me."

Haggis and his bandmates are happy to entertain the idea of a "Wombeats" project. "I think we'd be up for doing a demo and seeing what it was like," he said. "Imagine kicking back with Sir Paul? Like, 'Yeah, I think we need a bit more hi-hat there Paul.'"

The Wombats met while attending the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, which Paul McCartney co-founded. "I had one of the guys out the Wombats in one of my classes," the former Beatle enthused. "It was great. Now years later they're doing great."

Haggis recalled a slightly more peculiar encounter with Sir Paul. "He hands out the diplomas and degrees [at the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts] so I did get to shake his hand. I had an eyebrow piercing in at the time and he said, 'We'll have to get a screwdriver for that.' I was like, 'OK, whatever you say!'"

Maybe they can call their next single Moving Back to Liverpool.

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